Layout of Simple Circuit of Aa Battery Operated Mini Fan

Introduction: Solar Powered AA Battery Courser

Rechargable batteries are a great invention, but if you dont have an retail store nearby to charge them, they are usless. So I designed a solar powered battery charger, which allows you enough power to charge a single AA battery wherever the solarise may smoothen.

I chose to practise this project in 2 steps:
First off I set it up to test that I generated the needful voltage (3-7).
Then I set it busy finalize, away using wire instead of alligator clips, this made it both look meliorate and was easier to work with (8-10)

People have told me that 1 volt is non enough to charge A battery. I looked a rechargable battery and IT said "charge: 1-2 volts." I would also like to impart that I switched the tester to 2.5 volts and the meter moved to 50%. This tells me I do not single generate 1 volt, but 1.25 volts reach or take...

Step 1: Materials

Here is a leaning of the Materials you will need to recreate the Battery charger I have made,
-Incandescent socket attached to wood (with outlet plug)
-100 Watt medulla
-Hot glue gun
-Two solar panels
-Three alligator clips
-Reversible AA battery
-Voltage tester
-Battery holder

At one time you gather your equipment, I suggest plugging in your Thermal Glue Gun, so it is available to you once necessary (Step 4)

Step 2: Step One

Take your wire and cut off two pieces that are about 4 to 5 inches long each. Erst you have them clipped, connect the wires to the stamp battery bearer, one telegram to the postivie side, and the other to the negative side.

Dance step 3: Step Two

Connect one gator clip to the negative on the Voltage quizzer, and the other alligator clip to the positive.

Step 4: Step Three

Set the Voltage tester to 1 volt (D.C.). Reversible AA batteries need 1-2 volts for them to charge, this wish allow you to see that you generate at least 1 volt.

*Make positive that the voltage is happening DC and NOT AC*

Step 5: Pace Four

Fill your Mucilage Accelerator pedal and glue the two solar panels unitedly, taste to match them in the lead and then that the negative of connected panel is connected to the positive of the other solar control panel.

*See scene two if you bump this confusing.*

Footfall 6: Step Quint

Tie in the negative of one dialog box to the positive of the new panel, and then connect the remaining positive to the positive along the voltage quizzer, and the remaining disconfirming to the negative on the voltage tester.

Step 7: Step Six

Connect and turn on the light. Test that the electric potential presented off aside the solar panels gives you at least one V; this is enough to point the AA battery.

*Once you have done this, you can remove the alligator clips from the examiner and solar panels.*

Step 8: Step Seven

Link Cardinal of the postives on one solar battery to the negative on the former solar panel using telegram.

*Only connect One and only positivist to ONE negative.*

Step 9: Step Eight

You should have one positive and one negative remaing, connect the disinclined happening the shelling holder to the remaining negative on the instrument panel. Then connect the remainging (positive) wire along the battery holder to the positive on the remaining panel.

Step 10: Tread Nine

Now glue your star panels and your barrage holder to the wooden board.

Congratulations, you have made your own solar powered battery charger!
Just make a point that unless you have sunlight and are charging a battery, do not have the Battery in the bearer. Otherwise it may mislay its buck.

Embody the First to Portion


  • Anything Goes Contest 2022

    Anything Goes Contest 2022

Layout of Simple Circuit of Aa Battery Operated Mini Fan


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